June is fast approaching, so we thought it would be a great time to showcase some fresh, fun, summery finds - all from Amazon! (If you have prime, you can get them fast!) Check out our...
Mother's Day is fast approaching, and if you have waited to the last minute, you can still get gifts in time! We've scoured Amazon for some of the best-selling pampering gifts for Mother's Day - and mom...
September ushers in fall and all of the cozy things that come along with it - scarves, crunchy leaves, bonfires, s'mores and lots more. But September birthday girls are the best part of the season, right?...
Everyone needs a cheerleader sometimes - maybe she's going through a rough, trying time. Or maybe she needs motivation to finish school or when she's trying for a promotion. Regardless of the reasons, we've got...
Bananas are so popular with everybody, but we all know that one girl who's crazy about them! It's Banana Lovers Day, so it's a good time to share our favorite gifts for the banana lovers in...
If you look up infinity in the dictionary, you'll find that it represents something "boundless" or "endless". And then there's the infinity symbol itself, which shows up in all sorts of places as a sign of...
If you live in the south, you have probably heard the phrase, "Well bless your heart" a billion times! And you also realize that sometimes southern people say it with a little twinkle in their eyes...
"Love you more" is a phrase that's been around for a quite some time - probably because it's such a fun and sweet way to one up someone you love! If it's one of the endearing...
There are few things that are as classic and that have stood the test of time like the pineapple. They've been given as gifts for centuries, and pineapple decor has been popular forever! We...
Have you ever wished for a super easy way to set up some light appetizers that everyone will love? Something that looks great but is easy and requires minimal effort? Consider a charcuterie board! ...

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