Top Ten Bonus Mom Gifts for Your Stepmom on Mother’s Day

Stepmoms sometimes get a bad rap, don’t they?! Just the name alone can conjure up images of the stepmother in Cinderella! Thankfully, we’re getting away from those old ways and going with sweeter, gentler names like bonus moms (or “second mom”) – because there really are a lot of kind, awesome bonus moms out there – and they need to know how much they’re loved and appreciated! We wanted to do our part to help honor them, so we put together our picks for top ten bonus mom gifts for you. Go ahead and show her how much she means to you – she’ll love it so much!

Thanks for Loving Me Bonus Mom Bracelet

Bonus mom bracelet. This cuff bracelet has the sweetest inscription, “Thank you for loving me as your own.” You also have the option of getting a heart stamped on each end. This will definitely touch your bonus mom’s heart!

Bonus Mom Bracelet

bonus mom bracelet

Bonus mom bracelet. This beautiful bracelet with two hearts symbolizes the bond between you and your bonus mom. It also comes packaged with a very sweet sentiment as well. “You may not have given me the gift of life, but life has given me the gift of you.” There may not be a dry eye in the house after this gift!

Bonus Mom Necklace

bonus mom necklace

Bonus mom necklace. Our panel loves bar necklaces, and we adore the dainy heart right next to “bonus mom” – it says so much in a light & fun way!

Bonus Mom Earrings

bonus mom gifts

Bonus mom earrings. Or “other mom” or “second mom”! These earrings are gorgeous, and come in 14k gold-filled or silver. Choose her birthstone, the lovely pink stone pictured above, or the popular aqua or blue topaz colors!

Best Bonus Mom Ever

best bonus mom ever

Best bonus mom ever mug. If she’s a coffee, tea, or hot cocoa drinker, she needs this mug to remind her every day that she’s a good bonus mama!

Bonus Mom Shirts

bonus mom shirts

Bonus mama shirt. Our panel loves the cute, understated design of this shirt! It comes in a bunch of color options also – our fave is the mauve!

bonus mom shirt

Bonus mom shirt. We love this shirt also, with it’s dainty little leaf design!

Bonus Mom Book

i love my bonus mom

I Love My Bonus Mom. If you’re a dad and you’re looking for a lovely book for younger kids to give their bonus mom, this is it. It’s a heartfelt look at the little loving and nuturing things bonus moms do for their bonus children, and how they enrich their lives!

Bonus Mom Picture Frame

Bonus mom picture frame. This Best Bonus Mom Ever! photo block has a place to clip a 4×6 photo and comes in many different colors! You can also choose express deliver if you need it fast.

Personalized Bonus Mom Frame

bonus mom frame personalized

Personalized bonus mom frame. If she likes girly, feminine things, she will adore this personalized frame. It’s says everything and will touch her deeply!

Hope you found something wonderful to honor your bonus mom with! Be sure to check out related posts below for more gift ideas!

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