10 Gifts Your Mom REALLY Wants for Mother’s Day (but probably won’t tell you!)

mother's day gifts

It’s no secret that your mom would love to spend some quality time with you this Mother’s Day – you precious, adorable thing you.  However, she would also probably like a few other things, as well!  We decided to poll some real-life mamas to see what kind of gifts they like, and here’s what we found:  in addition to seeing your beautiful face, she’d also love the gift of some time to herself for rest, relaxation, & a little pampering.  So why not give her the best of both worlds?!  Give your mom a present AND the gift of time with you.  Check out the list below for what your Mom (or wife) really wants for Mother’s Day.  (And don’t forget to add in that present she can actually unwrap, too!)

She wants you to go to church with her on Mother’s Day (if she attends). Every mama wants to have their kids next to them on Mother’s Day Sunday.  Especially if she’s a southern mama.  It’s in the kid contract, y’all, so just go ahead and do it.  You’ll be glad you did – especially when you see the smile on your mama’s face.  (This one goes for husbands, too.  Put on those khakis & open those doors for her!)  Bonus points for taking her out to dinner afterwards.

She’d like to NOT have to cook.  Moms spend a huge chunk of time in the kitchen, so think about giving her a little break.  You could plan & cook her a lovely meal yourself.  Or if cooking isn’t your forte’, take her out to a really nice lunch or dinner (or both) at her fave restaurant.  (Call at least a week or two ahead to make sure you won’t need reservations.)  Another great idea along these lines is gifting her a meal box subscription service.  There are so many now – something like the popular Hello Fresh service would be awesome.  It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

She’d REALLY love some time off from cleaning.  Another big chunk of a mom’s time is spent doing laundry and trying to find the ever elusive missing socks that seem to mysteriously disappear into the universe.  If your budget can afford it, hire a maid or cleaning service for her. It could be a one-time cleaning, or ongoing, whatever you choose.  Quick Tip:  You want to make sure she doesn’t think it’s because of her cleaning skills. 😉 Make sure you tell her it’s because she deserves to put her heels up and rest!

She’d adore a spa day.   After having to take quick 2-minute showers and leave her nails chipped for weeks, she’d welcome this one.  Trust us.  A lot of spas run specials on Mother’s Day.  Ask around for the best one in your area, call them, and be sure to ask about any Mother’s Day deals.  A gift certificate to have a facial, have her eyebrows done, a manicure/pedicure, get a massage, or anything else her heart desires will be a gift she won’t soon forget.

She’d love some uninterrupted sleep time/alone time.   Y’all, this especially holds true for moms of little kids.  But moms of teenagers and beyond could use it, too – can we get an amen?  If you can swing it, gift her a night at a nice hotel not too awfully far home.  That way, she’ll know she’s close if she’s needed, but she’s still far enough away to go to the bathroom without kids and animals anxiously jiggling the doorknob or trying to see under the door.  She can also eat Oreos in bed and watch chick flicks until she probably passes out at 8:00pm.  But she could stay up all night if she wanted, no, really – she could!  And that’s all that really matters, isn’t it.   *Bonus points if you give her a gift bag or basket filled with her favorite treats.

She’d like a clean(er) car.   Her minivan or car more than likely has French fries in the floor board from 6 months ago, along with mummified goldfish crackers, cheerios, raisins, etc.   Clean out her car for her and even wash it while you’re at it.  If you really want to go all out, give her a gift card to a car wash or car detailing place.  Nothing feels better than a sparkling vehicle that smells good!

She’d love some good make-up and/or skin care (that she doesn’t feel guilty spending money on.)  It’s a well-known fact – moms usually put themselves at the bottom of the list when it comes to necessities, and even more so for luxuries.  So if she likes to get fixed up and likes to put on some makeup from time to time, a gift card to Ulta or Sephora will be a welcome surprise.  And won’t come with any mom guilt!

She’d appreciate a great blowout – and we’re not talking the diaper kind here!   Did you know that there are hair salons that exist solely for washing, blow drying (the blow out) and styling hair? It’s true – they basically offer a mini-vacay in the styling chair while you relax.   Dry Bar is one well-known salon option that has locations all over the U.S. and Canada.  You can buy her a gift card and even add-on enough to cover a scalp massage, hair treatments, etc.  You could even gift her a membership with 2 blowouts a month.  If you don’t have a Dry Bar near you, there are many salons that offer the same service – just check around!

She’d LOVE a cool subscription box.  Unless you are a mom, you probably don’t know about the unspoken mom guilt that comes from buying cute things for yourself. If you are a mom, well, then you know it very well!  As unwarranted as it seems, many moms feel guilty buying new socks or underwear for themselves, much less cute little luxuries.  Imagine her delight when she receives a gift subscription box every single month, with items just for her – ranging anywhere from sunglasses to makeup to bath products.  FabFitFun is a popular one – she’ll get one in Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter, filled with cute little seasonal delights. Birchbox is another popular one she’d like!

She’d LOVE a gift card to get some cute clothes.  This piggybacks on number 9 – mama guilt.  A lot of moms don’t buy clothes for themselves very often, and may go for years just wearing their mom uniforms everywhere (tshirts, shorts, yoga pants aka “soft” pull-on type pants, etc.)  But trust us, she wants to put some cute “hard pants” on every once in a while – like some cute white jeans with a flowy top & new sandals in the springtime.  If you know her favorite store (like the Loft, Macy’s, H&M, TJMaxx, etc.), a gift card in an amount that will allow her to get an outfit or two will make her feel like a new person.  A cute one at that!

We hope this gives you some great ideas for gifts for your mom this Mother’s Day! If you have more suggestions to share, leave them in the comments!

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