The BBC period series, Poldark, has taken the world by storm. Fans everywhere have fallen in love with the headstrong and stubborn Ross, the fiery but tender Demelza, the honorable and sweet Dr. Dwight - and...
"Life's short; talk fast." ~Lorelai Gilmore, The Gilmore Girls. All of us have that one person in our lives who lives and breathes the awesome duo of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, right?! Whether it's your...
"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet." ~Colette~ Truer words have never been spoken! There's nothing like having a sweet little kitten or cat curled up on your lap, right, cat lovers? We've put...
Fur baby moms, dog mamas, dog parents - no matter what you call them, they all have one thing in common - they all adore their four-legged best friends! You're probably checking out this guide because...
"You're my person." The famous quote was coined years ago by Christina Yang on Grey's Anatomy. It's pretty much the female bff or friendship version of a soulmate. Christina had to put someone's name...
Mother's Day is fast approaching, and if you have waited to the last minute, you can still get gifts in time! We've scoured Amazon for some of the best-selling pampering gifts for Mother's Day - and mom...
With the warmer weather approaching, it's time to start planning for vacation and outdoor fun! We have put together a list of fun summer vacation finds from Amazon - from fashion to iced coffee to yummy...
Everyone loves to have their birthday remembered, including your mom, grandma, sister- even your great aunt Edna! So why not celebrate the birthday girl by picking out a special occasion shirt for her? We combed...
"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." ~Brad Paisley. And a great way to start is by picking a word of the year! Picking one word...
One of the most fun aspects of fall is getting to decorate and usher in the autumn mood! If you're looking for the perfect gift for your favorite fall-loving, decor-loving girls, look no further. Our panel has...