Most everyone recognizes that iconic movie scene where Maria (played by Julie Andrews) runs up to the top of a hill and sings loudly, "The hills are alive...with the sound of music!"  (Some of us have done...
Woman of ALL ages love Ree Drummond, also known as The Pioneer Woman.  She is a phenomenon, having made a name for herself with her website, HGTV cooking show, cookbooks, children's books, and much more.  Women in...
The holiday season is never complete without the Hallmark Countdown to Christmas movies, right?  We've put together an awesome list of gifts for the Hallmark Christmas movie lovers in your life (or any Christmas movie lovers!).  In...
September ushers in fall and all of the cozy things that come along with it - scarves, crunchy leaves, bonfires, s'mores and lots more. But September birthday girls are the best part of the season, right?...
"Life's short; talk fast." ~Lorelai Gilmore, The Gilmore Girls. All of us have that one person in our lives who lives and breathes the awesome duo of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, right?! Whether it's your...
One of the most fun aspects of fall is getting to decorate and usher in the autumn mood! If you're looking for the perfect gift for your favorite fall-loving, decor-loving girls, look no further. Our panel has...
"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet." ~Colette~ Truer words have never been spoken! There's nothing like having a sweet little kitten or cat curled up on your lap, right, cat lovers? We've put...
We all have that friend who can't live without caramel apples and homemade apple pie, right? Especially in the fall - there's nothing better than hot apple cider and a cozy fire! Our team has...
Pets are such a huge and sweet part of our lives, aren't they? It only makes sense that we love to give and receive gifts that celebrate just how much they mean to us! With our...
It's always a welcome sight to see a beautiful cardinal outside of your window! Besides their beauty, cardinals have a bit of folklore surrounding them as well. Some say that "cardinals appear when angels are...

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