Decorating the inside of a dorm room is a lot of fun for girls, for sure. But now they can decorate the outside with super cute signs as well! These personalized dorm room door signs...
If you live in the south, you have probably heard the phrase, "Well bless your heart" a billion times! And you also realize that sometimes southern people say it with a little twinkle in their eyes...
The leaves are falling, pumpkin and pecan pie aromas fill the air, football is on the television, and Cousin Eddie is yelling and carrying on about politics in your kitchen. That's when you know it's time...
With the warmer weather approaching, it's time to start planning for vacation and outdoor fun! We have put together a list of fun summer vacation finds from Amazon - from fashion to iced coffee to yummy...
Warm weather, beaches, and summer all have something in common - bright, fun colors! Most every girl loves brightly colored pom poms and tassels, so we put together a gift guide of 28+ gorgeous gifts for...
Pets are such a huge and sweet part of our lives, aren't they? It only makes sense that we love to give and receive gifts that celebrate just how much they mean to us! With our...
Fur baby moms, dog mamas, dog parents - no matter what you call them, they all have one thing in common - they all adore their four-legged best friends! You're probably checking out this guide because...
If you look up infinity in the dictionary, you'll find that it represents something "boundless" or "endless". And then there's the infinity symbol itself, which shows up in all sorts of places as a sign of...
2020 has been a year for the books, hasn't it?! We are headed into the Christmas season now, and it's time to relax and celebrate that we made it through! Our team loves these 10...
It's been said that June is the gateway to summer, and we're gonna have to agree! It's also the birth month of many of our favorite people! With summer coming up, we put together a collection...

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