It's been said that June is the gateway to summer, and we're gonna have to agree! It's also the birth month of many of our favorite people! With summer coming up, we put together a collection...
"All you need is love....AND donuts!" That's our panel's mantra. If you know an avid donut lover, or YOU are the donut lover yourself, you are going to love this gift guide. We've put together...
"Baby, you're a firework!" In the infamous words of Katy Perry, July girls are some of the best things about summer! The July birthstone is the ruby and is red - the perfect color for...
We live in a world where people can sometimes get a little carried away thinking of grand gestures to show their love. And that's ok - it's fine every now and then! They definitely mean...
If you live in the south, you have probably heard the phrase, "Well bless your heart" a billion times! And you also realize that sometimes southern people say it with a little twinkle in their eyes...
The leaves are falling, pumpkin and pecan pie aromas fill the air, football is on the television, and Cousin Eddie is yelling and carrying on about politics in your kitchen. That's when you know it's time...
If you look up infinity in the dictionary, you'll find that it represents something "boundless" or "endless". And then there's the infinity symbol itself, which shows up in all sorts of places as a sign of...
Nothing can transport us back to our childhood like the thought of entering a magical, snowy world through the back of an old wardrobe closet! And we're not alone - the Chronicles...
When girls go away to college for the first time, they need all kinds of things for their dorm rooms or even their first apartments. Our panel has put together a list of 12 great gifts...
"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet." ~Colette~ Truer words have never been spoken! There's nothing like having a sweet little kitten or cat curled up on your lap, right, cat lovers? We've put...

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